Donate Now

If you have a heart for women and families struggling in the Lansing area or a passion to help moms and babies, Shared Pregnancy Women’s Center wants to partner with you. To make it even easier for you, donations can be made online!

Make a secure online donation by clicking on the PayPal link or donate over the phone by calling us at 517-484-1882. Shared Pregnancy Women’s Center is a 501(c)(3) and all contributions are tax-deductible. We do not receive any federal or state funding. If you would like to be a part of our work, use the button below to donate! You will be directed to PayPal.

If you prefer to mail your donation, you can send it to our office at: P.O. Box 11116, Lansing, MI 48906.

Here is a printable donation form to send along with your donation.

Every donation, no matter the size, has an impact on the moms, dads, and babies that come to Shared Pregnancy. Thank you for your support!!!

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Ultrasounds Performed
Client Contacts
Diapers Provided


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